Rouge Dior - Makemepulse

Rouge Dior


A dream like reveal

  • Immersive Experiences
  • Product

Christian Dior Parfums enlisted us to craft an immersive landing page for the relaunch of their iconic Rouge Dior lipstick. Users were invited to re-discover the signature beauty accessory in glossy real-time 3D, whilst exploring the wider campaign films and stills, heroing Dior brand muses.

Rouge Dior - Makemepulse

Dive into the Rouge Dior details

Our immersive scrolling approach seamlessly guides users through glimpses of the campaign that have been integrated in the experience. Immerse yourself with captivating full-screen videos, diving deep into the enchanting world of Dior.

Rouge Dior - Makemepulse
Rouge Dior

Learn, engage and explore.

Consumers are invited to explore the intricate detail of the newly relaunched Rouge Dior lipstick. High-end 3D renders at a grand scale showcase the different finishes and sublime colors that the user can explore and almost feel.

Rouge Dior - Makemepulse

An immersive and sophisticated microsite, the experience seamlessly connects with the central Dior Beauty site ensuring a harmonious and captivating experience across multiple platforms for discerning fashion and beauty enthusiasts.

Rouge Dior - Makemepulse
Rouge Dior - Makemepulse
Rouge Dior - Makemepulse
Rouge Dior - Makemepulse
Rouge Dior - Makemepulse
Rouge Dior - Makemepulse
Rouge Dior - Makemepulse
  • Site of the Day
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