Arcadia website redesign - Makemepulse

Arcadia website redesign

A collaboration with Arcadia

A clean look for clean energy

  • Design
  • Product
  • Strategy

We had the pleasure to work on the redesign of Arcadia's website! Arcadia is an American company that aims to facilitate access to clean energy for American businesses and individuals. Arcadia has modernized its graphic guidelines and asked us to redesign their website in accordance with this new style.

Arcadia website redesign - Makemepulse
Arcadia website redesign - Makemepulse

From the beginning the goal was to tell a story to reach the B2C target, while being very factual and precise to inform the B2B target. This was a real challenge, because Arcadia's products are very complex.

After multiple iterations, we agreed on a simple concept: the Satisfying loops. The Satisfying Loops are an Instagram trend, in which artists make very short 3D loops, very pleasant to contemplate, that can easily convey meaning.

Arcadia website redesign - Makemepulse
Arcadia website redesign - Makemepulse
Arcadia website redesign - Makemepulse
Arcadia website redesign - Makemepulse

By re-using the node, symbol of their graphic charter, we built a grid to which we gave life through the animation; The result was 6 small Satisfying loops of about twenty seconds explaining each of the Arcadia issues.

Arcadia website redesign - Makemepulse
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