Digitas North America - Makemepulse

Digitas North America

Website agency redesign

Sleek & Elegant web design

  • Design
  • Strategy

When US marketing agency Digitas were looking to relaunch their website, having worked with us in the past, they knew there was only one place they could turn.

A real collaboration

The whole project was one of shared workload with much back and forth between our respective teams. Design wise, Digitas would take care of the corporate branding leaving us to apply it to their online space through the creation of a simple yet elegantly designed website inviting prospective clients to explore their work and services.

Digitas North America - Makemepulse
Digitas North America - Makemepulse

On the development front, we worked hand in hand to ensure maximum functionality with makemepulse taking care of the frontend and Digitas in charge of the backend.

Digitas North America - Makemepulse
Digitas North America - Makemepulse
Digitas North America - Makemepulse
Digitas North America - Makemepulse

As well as bringing our design flair to the project, we were able to apply our unique technical approach too by integrating webGL to certain components of the website with our in house real-time 3D rendering engine nanoGL.

Digitas North America - Makemepulse
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