Unlocking Creativity: Exploring Sources of Inspiration

Insights from our CCO, Nicolas Rajabaly.

Where do you look for inspiration? It’s a question for any CCO being interviewed. Sure, we love classic stuff like movies, art, and traveling - they undeniably give the studio a solid foundation for our work: from the stories we tell, to the designs we create. As digital native, we also use the web as a primary source of inspiration: engaging with communities and exchanging ideas and insights with creatives around the globe, is one of the best ways to inject new perspectives inside the creative team.

But for me, the ultimate source of creative imagination? Video Games. I believe that it’s the most creative industry in the world right now. At makemepulse we love diving into immersive worlds and super rich narrative experiences. We scrutinize and dissect every new indie game or blockbuster AAA title to understand the innovative gameplay mechanics, aesthetics, cinematic approach, staging and more! Even the technical aspects are scrutinized and we draw inspiration from their approach to real-time 3D.

It's not just a hobby for us - it's a way of thinking, it’s an obsession. It’s even part of my interview process! We believe that a passion for gaming brings a unique perspective and energy to our team, fuelling our creativity and pushing us to think outside the box. It shapes how we tell stories, design experiences, and engage with our audience emotionally. 

In our quest to create truly immersive experiences, we often draw inspiration from video games that master immersive interfaces, such as Dead Space, which seamlessly incorporates user information directly into the diegetic elements of the game to never break user immersion.

We also consider gaming when elevating packaging designs, like in our recent collaboration with Dior for their Dior Rouge lipstick. We took cues from dynamic camera movements and staging techniques used in video games: techniques that are employed in gaming to showcase a newly discovered item or unlocked feature.

Our latest passion project, Kaizen, also pays homage to video games by leveraging elements such as voiceover narration and musical scores to amplify emotional resonance. (If you are a true fan of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I’m sure you will find a parallel between our narrative introduction and the game's opening!) We also utilize camera movements and effects, like shaky cam, to reinforce immersion and tell a compelling story that can resonate on a deeper level.

As we continue our journey at makemepulse, it's clear that gaming is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for us. We're excited to explore new realms, push boundaries, and continue to create experiences that captivate and inspire audiences around the world.