Pursuing improvement and protecting our planet

At makemepulse, we are acutely aware of the pressing issue of climate change, and we understand its far-reaching implications, not only for our lives but also for the myriad living species that inhabit our planet. Our team is dedicated to making a tangible, positive impact on the environment by continuously enhancing our personal and professional practices to minimise our ecological footprint.

Whenever possible, we devote our time and resources to projects that illuminate the severity of environmental challenges, and raise public awareness about the critical importance of preserving Earth's natural resources for future generations. We also prioritise collaborating with companies that share our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. For World Earth Day 2023, we want to speak to some of the ways in which we’re pursuing improvement, as well as highlighting three key projects across disciplines that speak to this mission: one design, one experiential and one installation. 

As a forward-thinking studio, we have implemented a range of measures designed to reduce our environmental footprint and promote eco-friendly practices. These measures include embracing remote work, which not only reduces the need for office space but also minimises the greenhouse gas emissions associated with commuting. We also encourage employees to opt for trains over planes for European travel, as trains generally have a lower environmental impact. 

To further support sustainable commuting, we provide financial assistance to those who choose to cycle to work, helping to promote both personal health and environmental well-being. Moreover, we are committed to managing our electricity consumption sustainably by investing in energy-efficient equipment and implementing strategies to minimise energy waste.

Recognizing the importance of collaboration in addressing climate change, we actively seek partnerships with organisations that share our vision for a greener future. By working together, we believe that we can amplify our impact and drive meaningful change on a larger scale. We invite you to explore three projects that do just that: collaborations with Arcadia, Sea Shepard and The French Biodiversity Agency.

We had the pleasure of working with Arcadia to support their positioning as the access point for the renewable energy revolution: they needed a clean new look for clean energy, to tell their brand story with polish, purpose and creativity. As Arcadia continue to empower energy innovators and consumers, their brand platform needed to be dynamic, interactive and educational. We created a digital home that works hard for both user and brand in this mission. 

No-fishing.net is a campaign created for Sea Shepherd to draw attention to the irreversible damage of fishing nets within our oceans. The experiential site brings this narrative to life, inviting  users to educate themselves and donate to the charity’s work. The experience presents the fleet of boats and vessels Sea Shepherd have actively working; users can virtually fly over the oceans and explore any chosen vessel to find out more about its work and history. We developed a unique donation mechanism for the site that converts each donation into its equivalent in fishing nets: by dragging the slider module, users can visualise the impact of their donation in real-time.

"We all believe that saving our oceans is imperative. We are very fortunate that we are able to use our creative minds, and resources to bring it to the world and make a real change."


The French Biodiversity Agency is a public institution dedicated to the protection and restoration of biodiversity in France. As one of the key players in the World Conservation Congress, they needed to create a visible and impactful immersive experience addressing the future of biodiversity. We designed an interactive installation, made with LED tiles, to shed light on the future of our planet in 30 years through two different paths. What path will you choose?

While we acknowledge that our efforts alone may never be enough to combat the monumental challenge of climate change, we remain steadfast in our pursuit of improvement. We are constantly seeking new opportunities to make a more significant difference in the fight against climate change, never losing sight of our ultimate goal: to protect our planet for generations to come.